
SkycadeCore is a custom plugin made for Skycade LTD modified by several hired authors.
The plugin acts as the core for all custom plugins and handles several independent features

Plugin Features

Anticheat API Implementation is the most notable part of the plugin that I created. Using the Verus anticheat plugin and API, I was able to implement a custom autoban and autokick system. The built in system in Verus was not very good, so the API allowed for a custom one to be created

The autobans and autokicks rely off of database tables, containing the alert type, subtype, and amount of violations necessary to ban/kick. The Verus API fires an event when an alert is fired, allowing the Core pluign to keep track of what alerts to punish for, and when.

Antidupe Item Implementation is the second most notable feature. Adding %antidupe% to a line of lore on any item will replace it with a randomly generated integer, and store that in a database table. Redeeming the item will track it as "used", and if a player attempts to redeem another item with the same assigned value, it will alert staff that it is a duplicated item.

This system is used to prevent item duplication of prestigious items, such as banknotes or redeemable perks.

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